[Paparazzi-devel] make failed after updating
2018-03-25 15:19:30 UTC

 i did a git pull to download the latest master changes and now the
make command (after a make clean) fails with this output:

Building Paparazzi version v5.13_devel-163-g2a05435-dirty
make -C data/maps
DOWNLOAD: google maps version code
Updated google maps version to 781
make -C sw/ext pprzlink.update
Submodule path 'sw/ext/pprzlink': checked out
Check for already installed pprzlink ocaml lib
 -> found lib version 2.0 while installing 2.0
Build bytecode lib
Solver failed:
  Ocamlbuild cannot find or build lib-pprzlink.ml.  A file with such a
name would usually be a source file.  I suspect you have given a wrong
target name to Ocamlbuild.
../../common/ocaml/Makefile:79: recipe for target 'byte' failed
make[2]: *** [byte] Error 6
Makefile:59: recipe for target 'libpprzlink-install' failed
make[1]: *** [libpprzlink-install] Error 2
Makefile:144: recipe for target 'libpprzlink' failed
make: *** [libpprzlink] Error 2

The complete output is this:

***@hendrix-HP-Compaq-8200-Elite-SFF-PC:~/paparazzi$ git pull
remote: Counting objects: 134, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
remote: Total 134 (delta 91), reused 102 (delta 90), pack-reused 27
Receiving objects: 100% (134/134), 68.55 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (94/94), completed with 67 local objects.
From https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi
   b18bcb2..2a05435  master     -> upstream/master
Fetching submodule sw/ext/hacl-c
remote: Counting objects: 4, done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 3), reused 4 (delta 3), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.
From https://github.com/paparazzi/hacl-c
   4f6d013..bca1a10  master     -> origin/master
Updating b18bcb2..2a05435
 Makefile.ac                                        |  19 +-
 conf/abi.xml                                       |   5 +
 conf/airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_ark_hexa_1-8.xml  |  14 +-
 .../AGGIEAIR/aggieair_ark_quad_lisa_mx.xml         |  13 +-
 conf/airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_atomic_lia.xml    |   7 +-
 conf/airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_conf.xml          |   6 +-
 conf/airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_control_panel.xml |  28 +
 .../airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_minion_rp3_lia.xml |   7 +-
 conf/airframes/tudelft/ardrone2_OF_hover.xml       | 252 +++++++
 conf/airframes/tudelft/bebop_OF_hover.xml          | 229 +++++++
 conf/joystick/T1600M_ground.xml                    |  43 ++
 conf/modules/fc_rotor.xml                          |  24 +
 conf/modules/guidance_indi.xml                     |   1 +
 conf/modules/optical_flow_hover.xml                |  95 +++
 conf/swarm/conf_2uav_rot.json                      |  52 ++
 conf/swarm/conf_3uav_rot.json                      |  53 ++
 conf/telemetry/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_fixedwing.xml     |   2 +-
 conf/telemetry/default_rotorcraft.xml              |   1 +
 conf/userconf/tudelft/conf.xml                     |  24 +-
 fix_code_style.sh                                  |   1 +
 paparazzi-python.sh                                |   3 -
 src/paparazzi                                      |   2 +-
 sw/airborne/autopilot.h                            |   1 +
 .../rotorcraft/autopilot_arming_throttle.h         |  45 +-
 .../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_arming_yaw.h    |  60 +-
 .../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_firmware.c      |  11 +-
 .../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_generated.c     |   2 +
 .../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_static.c        |   2 +
 .../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_static.h        |  21 +
 .../firmwares/rotorcraft/guidance/guidance_indi.c  | 125 +++-
 .../firmwares/rotorcraft/guidance/guidance_indi.h  |   1 +
 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_functions.c  | 182 +++++
 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_functions.h  |  80 +++
 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_hover.c      | 756
 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_hover.h      |  59 ++
 sw/airborne/modules/datalink/gec/gec.c             |  69 +-
 sw/airborne/modules/datalink/gec/gec.h             |  40 +-
 sw/airborne/modules/datalink/gec_dl.c              | 333 +++++----
 sw/airborne/modules/datalink/gec_dl.h              |  17 +-
 sw/airborne/modules/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.c            |  53 ++
 sw/airborne/modules/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.h            |  35 +
 sw/airborne/subsystems/abi_sender_ids.h            |   7 +
 sw/airborne/subsystems/ins/ins_gps_passthrough.c   |  40 +-
 sw/ext/Makefile                                    |   4 +-
 sw/ext/hacl-c                                      |   2 +-
 sw/ext/pprzlink                                    |   2 +-
 sw/ext/rustlink                                    |   2 +-
 sw/ground_segment/joystick/gb2ivy.py               |   7 +-
 sw/ground_segment/joystick/input2ivy.ml            |  12 +-
 sw/ground_segment/misc/rtcm2ivy.c                  |   4 +-
 sw/ground_segment/python/atc/atc_frame.py          |   4 +-
 .../python/dashboard/radiowatchframe.py            |   5 +-
 sw/ground_segment/python/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.py      | 306 +++++++++
 .../python/fc_rotor/lib_rigid_formations.py        | 122 ++++
 sw/ground_segment/python/guided_mode_example.py    |   7 +-
 .../python/messages_app/messagesframe.py           |   9 +-
 sw/ground_segment/python/move_waypoint_example.py  |   6 +-
 sw/ground_segment/python/natnet3.x/NatNetClient.py |   2 +-
 sw/ground_segment/python/natnet3.x/natnet2ivy.py   |  16 +-
 .../python/payload_forward/payload_forward.py      |   4 +-
 .../python/real_time_plot/messagepicker.py         |   6 +-
 .../python/real_time_plot/plotpanel.py             |   5 +-
 .../python/redundant_link/link_combiner.py         |   5 +-
 sw/ground_segment/python/svinfo/svinfoviewer.py    |   4 +-
 sw/simulator/mesonh/mesonh.py                      |   6 +-
 sw/supervision/python/main.py                      |   3 +
 sw/tools/calibration/calib_mag_live.py             |   9 +-
 sw/tools/generators/gen_flight_plan.ml             |   3 +-
 sw/tools/rtp_viewer/rtp_viewer.py                  |   6 +-
 69 files changed, 3072 insertions(+), 309 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 conf/airframes/tudelft/ardrone2_OF_hover.xml
 create mode 100644 conf/airframes/tudelft/bebop_OF_hover.xml
 create mode 100644 conf/joystick/T1600M_ground.xml
 create mode 100644 conf/modules/fc_rotor.xml
 create mode 100644 conf/modules/optical_flow_hover.xml
 create mode 100644 conf/swarm/conf_2uav_rot.json
 create mode 100644 conf/swarm/conf_3uav_rot.json
 delete mode 100755 paparazzi-python.sh
 create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_functions.c
 create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_functions.h
 create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_hover.c
 create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_hover.h
 create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.c
 create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.h
 create mode 100755 sw/ground_segment/python/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.py
 create mode 100644
***@hendrix-HP-Compaq-8200-Elite-SFF-PC:~/paparazzi$ make clean
Cleaning ./tests/math/Makefile
Cleaning ./tests/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/misc/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/cockpit/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/tmtc/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/lpc21iap/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/joystick/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/tools/gps_ublox_conf/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/tools/bluegiga_usb_dongle/Makefile
rm -f stubs.o uart.o cmd_def.o main.o stubs.d uart.d cmd_def.d main.d
Cleaning ./sw/tools/generators/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/tools/vectornav_configurator/Makefile
rm vn_console_setup
rm: cannot remove 'vn_console_setup': No such file or directory
Makefile:4: recipe for target 'clean' failed
make[1]: *** [clean] Error 1
Cleaning ./sw/tools/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/tools/wiki_gen/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/button/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/satcom/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/log_parser/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/turbine/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/inertial/C/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/attitude_reference/Makefile
make -C c_att_refs clean
rm -rf build *.so *.c
Cleaning ./sw/misc/attitude_reference/c_att_refs/Makefile
rm -rf build *.so *.c
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/scilab/q6d/povray/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/scilab/q3d/povray/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/scilab/q3d/fonts/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/scilab/q3d/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/logalizer/matlab/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/logalizer/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/lib/python/pprz_math/Makefile
rm -rf build *.so *.c *.pyc geodetic.py algebra.py
Cleaning ./sw/lib/ocaml/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/supervision/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/arch/lpc21/test/bootloader/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/arch/lpc21/test/Makefile

-------- begin --------

Cleaning project:
rm -f ledswitch.hex
rm -f ledswitch.obj
rm -f ledswitch.elf
rm -f ledswitch.map
rm -f ledswitch.obj
rm -f ledswitch.a90
rm -f ledswitch.sym
rm -f ledswitch.lnk
rm -f ledswitch.lss
rm -f ledswitch.o
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f crt0.o
rm -f  crt0.lst ledswitch.lst
rm -f ledswitch.s
rm -f ledswitch.d
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f -r .dep
rm -f *~
Errors: none
-------- end --------

Cleaning ./sw/airborne/arch/lpc21/lpcusb/Makefile
CLEAN libusbstack
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/arch/lpc21/lpcusb/examples/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/math/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/Makefile
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'clean'.
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/test/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/test/ahrs/Makefile
cleaning ...
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/test/stabilization/Makefile
rm -rf build *.so *.c
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/catia/Makefile
rm -rf ./catia
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/firmwares/non_ap/led_flasher/Makefile
Cleaning ./docker/Makefile
make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'clean'.  Stop.
Cleaning ./doc/pprz_algebra/Makefile
Cleaning ./doc/pprz_geodetic/Makefile
Cleaning ./doc/ccc07/Makefile
Cleaning ./data/maps/Makefile
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/vf6xx/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/lm3s/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/lpc13xx/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/lpc17xx/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/sam/3x/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/sam/d/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/sam/3u/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/sam/3a/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/sam/3n/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/sam/3s/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/lpc43xx/m0/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/lpc43xx/m4/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/efm32/lg/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/efm32/gg/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/efm32/g/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/efm32/tg/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/stm32/f1/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/stm32/l4/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/stm32/f3/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/stm32/f2/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/stm32/f7/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/stm32/l0/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/stm32/f0/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/stm32/f4/irq.json
  CLNHDR  include/libopencm3/stm32/l1/irq.json
  CLEAN   lib/stm32/f0
  CLEAN   lib/stm32/f1
  CLEAN   lib/stm32/f2
  CLEAN   lib/stm32/f3
  CLEAN   lib/stm32/f4
  CLEAN   lib/stm32/f7
  CLEAN   lib/stm32/l0
  CLEAN   lib/stm32/l1
  CLEAN   lib/stm32/l4
  CLEAN   lib/lpc13xx
  CLEAN   lib/lpc17xx
  CLEAN   lib/lpc43xx/m4
  CLEAN   lib/lpc43xx/m0
  CLEAN   lib/lm3s
  CLEAN   lib/lm4f
  CLEAN   lib/efm32/tg
  CLEAN   lib/efm32/g
  CLEAN   lib/efm32/lg
  CLEAN   lib/efm32/gg
  CLEAN   lib/sam/3a
  CLEAN   lib/sam/3n
  CLEAN   lib/sam/3s
  CLEAN   lib/sam/3u
  CLEAN   lib/sam/3x
  CLEAN   lib/sam/d
  CLEAN   lib/vf6xx
  CLEAN   doc
  CLEAN   luftboot
***@hendrix-HP-Compaq-8200-Elite-SFF-PC:~/paparazzi$ make
Building Paparazzi version v5.13_devel-163-g2a05435-dirty
make -C data/maps
DOWNLOAD: google maps version code
Updated google maps version to 781
make -C sw/ext pprzlink.update
Submodule path 'sw/ext/pprzlink': checked out
Check for already installed pprzlink ocaml lib
 -> found lib version 2.0 while installing 2.0
Build bytecode lib
Solver failed:
  Ocamlbuild cannot find or build lib-pprzlink.ml.  A file with such a
name would usually be a source file.  I suspect you have given a wrong
target name to Ocamlbuild.
../../common/ocaml/Makefile:79: recipe for target 'byte' failed
make[2]: *** [byte] Error 6
Makefile:59: recipe for target 'libpprzlink-install' failed
make[1]: *** [libpprzlink-install] Error 2
Makefile:144: recipe for target 'libpprzlink' failed
make: *** [libpprzlink] Error 2
Michal Podhradsky
2018-03-25 16:17:46 UTC
Looks like you have a problem with the ocamlbuild. Have you tried
reinstalling the paparazzi packages? See
i did a git pull to download the latest master changes and now the make
Building Paparazzi version v5.13_devel-163-g2a05435-dirty
make -C data/maps
DOWNLOAD: google maps version code
Updated google maps version to 781
make -C sw/ext pprzlink.update
Submodule path 'sw/ext/pprzlink': checked out
Check for already installed pprzlink ocaml lib
-> found lib version 2.0 while installing 2.0
Build bytecode lib
Ocamlbuild cannot find or build lib-pprzlink.ml. A file with such a
name would usually be a source file. I suspect you have given a wrong
target name to Ocamlbuild.
../../common/ocaml/Makefile:79: recipe for target 'byte' failed
make[2]: *** [byte] Error 6
Makefile:59: recipe for target 'libpprzlink-install' failed
make[1]: *** [libpprzlink-install] Error 2
Makefile:144: recipe for target 'libpprzlink' failed
make: *** [libpprzlink] Error 2
remote: Counting objects: 134, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
remote: Total 134 (delta 91), reused 102 (delta 90), pack-reused 27
Receiving objects: 100% (134/134), 68.55 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (94/94), completed with 67 local objects.
From https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi
b18bcb2..2a05435 master -> upstream/master
Fetching submodule sw/ext/hacl-c
remote: Counting objects: 4, done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 3), reused 4 (delta 3), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.
From https://github.com/paparazzi/hacl-c
4f6d013..bca1a10 master -> origin/master
Updating b18bcb2..2a05435
Makefile.ac | 19 +-
conf/abi.xml | 5 +
conf/airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_ark_hexa_1-8.xml | 14 +-
.../AGGIEAIR/aggieair_ark_quad_lisa_mx.xml | 13 +-
conf/airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_atomic_lia.xml | 7 +-
conf/airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_conf.xml | 6 +-
conf/airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_control_panel.xml | 28 +
.../airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_minion_rp3_lia.xml | 7 +-
conf/airframes/tudelft/ardrone2_OF_hover.xml | 252 +++++++
conf/airframes/tudelft/bebop_OF_hover.xml | 229 +++++++
conf/joystick/T1600M_ground.xml | 43 ++
conf/modules/fc_rotor.xml | 24 +
conf/modules/guidance_indi.xml | 1 +
conf/modules/optical_flow_hover.xml | 95 +++
conf/swarm/conf_2uav_rot.json | 52 ++
conf/swarm/conf_3uav_rot.json | 53 ++
conf/telemetry/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_fixedwing.xml | 2 +-
conf/telemetry/default_rotorcraft.xml | 1 +
conf/userconf/tudelft/conf.xml | 24 +-
fix_code_style.sh | 1 +
paparazzi-python.sh | 3 -
src/paparazzi | 2 +-
sw/airborne/autopilot.h | 1 +
.../rotorcraft/autopilot_arming_throttle.h | 45 +-
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_arming_yaw.h | 60 +-
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_firmware.c | 11 +-
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_generated.c | 2 +
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_static.c | 2 +
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_static.h | 21 +
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/guidance/guidance_indi.c | 125 +++-
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/guidance/guidance_indi.h | 1 +
sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_functions.c | 182 +++++
sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_functions.h | 80 +++
sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_hover.c | 756
sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_hover.h | 59 ++
sw/airborne/modules/datalink/gec/gec.c | 69 +-
sw/airborne/modules/datalink/gec/gec.h | 40 +-
sw/airborne/modules/datalink/gec_dl.c | 333 +++++----
sw/airborne/modules/datalink/gec_dl.h | 17 +-
sw/airborne/modules/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.c | 53 ++
sw/airborne/modules/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.h | 35 +
sw/airborne/subsystems/abi_sender_ids.h | 7 +
sw/airborne/subsystems/ins/ins_gps_passthrough.c | 40 +-
sw/ext/Makefile | 4 +-
sw/ext/hacl-c | 2 +-
sw/ext/pprzlink | 2 +-
sw/ext/rustlink | 2 +-
sw/ground_segment/joystick/gb2ivy.py | 7 +-
sw/ground_segment/joystick/input2ivy.ml | 12 +-
sw/ground_segment/misc/rtcm2ivy.c | 4 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/atc/atc_frame.py | 4 +-
.../python/dashboard/radiowatchframe.py | 5 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.py | 306 +++++++++
.../python/fc_rotor/lib_rigid_formations.py | 122 ++++
sw/ground_segment/python/guided_mode_example.py | 7 +-
.../python/messages_app/messagesframe.py | 9 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/move_waypoint_example.py | 6 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/natnet3.x/NatNetClient.py | 2 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/natnet3.x/natnet2ivy.py | 16 +-
.../python/payload_forward/payload_forward.py | 4 +-
.../python/real_time_plot/messagepicker.py | 6 +-
.../python/real_time_plot/plotpanel.py | 5 +-
.../python/redundant_link/link_combiner.py | 5 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/svinfo/svinfoviewer.py | 4 +-
sw/simulator/mesonh/mesonh.py | 6 +-
sw/supervision/python/main.py | 3 +
sw/tools/calibration/calib_mag_live.py | 9 +-
sw/tools/generators/gen_flight_plan.ml | 3 +-
sw/tools/rtp_viewer/rtp_viewer.py | 6 +-
69 files changed, 3072 insertions(+), 309 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 conf/airframes/tudelft/ardrone2_OF_hover.xml
create mode 100644 conf/airframes/tudelft/bebop_OF_hover.xml
create mode 100644 conf/joystick/T1600M_ground.xml
create mode 100644 conf/modules/fc_rotor.xml
create mode 100644 conf/modules/optical_flow_hover.xml
create mode 100644 conf/swarm/conf_2uav_rot.json
create mode 100644 conf/swarm/conf_3uav_rot.json
delete mode 100755 paparazzi-python.sh
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_functions.c
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_functions.h
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_hover.c
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_hover.h
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.c
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.h
create mode 100755 sw/ground_segment/python/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.py
create mode 100644 sw/ground_segment/python/fc_ro
Cleaning ./tests/math/Makefile
Cleaning ./tests/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/misc/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/cockpit/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/tmtc/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/lpc21iap/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/joystick/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/tools/gps_ublox_conf/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/tools/bluegiga_usb_dongle/Makefile
rm -f stubs.o uart.o cmd_def.o main.o stubs.d uart.d cmd_def.d main.d
Cleaning ./sw/tools/generators/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/tools/vectornav_configurator/Makefile
rm vn_console_setup
rm: cannot remove 'vn_console_setup': No such file or directory
Makefile:4: recipe for target 'clean' failed
make[1]: *** [clean] Error 1
Cleaning ./sw/tools/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/tools/wiki_gen/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/button/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/satcom/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/log_parser/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/turbine/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/inertial/C/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/attitude_reference/Makefile
make -C c_att_refs clean
rm -rf build *.so *.c
Cleaning ./sw/misc/attitude_reference/c_att_refs/Makefile
rm -rf build *.so *.c
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/scilab/q6d/povray/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/scilab/q3d/povray/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/scilab/q3d/fonts/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/scilab/q3d/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/logalizer/matlab/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/logalizer/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/lib/python/pprz_math/Makefile
rm -rf build *.so *.c *.pyc geodetic.py algebra.py
Cleaning ./sw/lib/ocaml/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/supervision/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/arch/lpc21/test/bootloader/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/arch/lpc21/test/Makefile
-------- begin --------
rm -f ledswitch.hex
rm -f ledswitch.obj
rm -f ledswitch.elf
rm -f ledswitch.map
rm -f ledswitch.obj
rm -f ledswitch.a90
rm -f ledswitch.sym
rm -f ledswitch.lnk
rm -f ledswitch.lss
rm -f ledswitch.o
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f crt0.o
rm -f crt0.lst ledswitch.lst
rm -f ledswitch.s
rm -f ledswitch.d
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f -r .dep
rm -f *~
Errors: none
-------- end --------
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/arch/lpc21/lpcusb/Makefile
CLEAN libusbstack
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/arch/lpc21/lpcusb/examples/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/math/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/Makefile
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'clean'.
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/test/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/test/ahrs/Makefile
cleaning ...
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/test/stabilization/Makefile
rm -rf build *.so *.c
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/catia/Makefile
rm -rf ./catia
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/firmwares/non_ap/led_flasher/Makefile
Cleaning ./docker/Makefile
make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'clean'. Stop.
Cleaning ./doc/pprz_algebra/Makefile
Cleaning ./doc/pprz_geodetic/Makefile
Cleaning ./doc/ccc07/Makefile
Cleaning ./data/maps/Makefile
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/vf6xx/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/lm3s/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/lpc13xx/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/lpc17xx/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/3x/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/d/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/3u/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/3a/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/3n/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/3s/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/lpc43xx/m0/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/lpc43xx/m4/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/efm32/lg/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/efm32/gg/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/efm32/g/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/efm32/tg/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f1/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/l4/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f3/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f2/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f7/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/l0/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f0/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f4/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/l1/irq.json
CLEAN lib/stm32/f0
CLEAN lib/stm32/f1
CLEAN lib/stm32/f2
CLEAN lib/stm32/f3
CLEAN lib/stm32/f4
CLEAN lib/stm32/f7
CLEAN lib/stm32/l0
CLEAN lib/stm32/l1
CLEAN lib/stm32/l4
CLEAN lib/lpc13xx
CLEAN lib/lpc17xx
CLEAN lib/lpc43xx/m4
CLEAN lib/lpc43xx/m0
CLEAN lib/lm3s
CLEAN lib/lm4f
CLEAN lib/efm32/tg
CLEAN lib/efm32/g
CLEAN lib/efm32/lg
CLEAN lib/efm32/gg
CLEAN lib/sam/3a
CLEAN lib/sam/3n
CLEAN lib/sam/3s
CLEAN lib/sam/3u
CLEAN lib/sam/3x
CLEAN lib/sam/d
CLEAN lib/vf6xx
CLEAN luftboot
Building Paparazzi version v5.13_devel-163-g2a05435-dirty
make -C data/maps
DOWNLOAD: google maps version code
Updated google maps version to 781
make -C sw/ext pprzlink.update
Submodule path 'sw/ext/pprzlink': checked out
Check for already installed pprzlink ocaml lib
-> found lib version 2.0 while installing 2.0
Build bytecode lib
Ocamlbuild cannot find or build lib-pprzlink.ml. A file with such a
name would usually be a source file. I suspect you have given a wrong
target name to Ocamlbuild.
../../common/ocaml/Makefile:79: recipe for target 'byte' failed
make[2]: *** [byte] Error 6
Makefile:59: recipe for target 'libpprzlink-install' failed
make[1]: *** [libpprzlink-install] Error 2
Makefile:144: recipe for target 'libpprzlink' failed
make: *** [libpprzlink] Error 2
Paparazzi-devel mailing list
Hector Garcia de Marina
2018-03-25 18:11:07 UTC
Which operating system do you have?

The same happened to me in Ubuntu 17.10, and the problem seems to be
theirs. In particular, the related pkg was not correctly updated in Ubuntu.
One can still fix it by installing ocambuild and other dependencies via
opam. However, it is not so straightforward.

Hopefully, ocambuild is ok in the new LTS (beta is availble now I think).

On Sun, 25 Mar 2018, 18:18 Michal Podhradsky, <
Post by Michal Podhradsky
Looks like you have a problem with the ocamlbuild. Have you tried
reinstalling the paparazzi packages? See
i did a git pull to download the latest master changes and now the make
Building Paparazzi version v5.13_devel-163-g2a05435-dirty
make -C data/maps
DOWNLOAD: google maps version code
Updated google maps version to 781
make -C sw/ext pprzlink.update
Submodule path 'sw/ext/pprzlink': checked out
Check for already installed pprzlink ocaml lib
-> found lib version 2.0 while installing 2.0
Build bytecode lib
Ocamlbuild cannot find or build lib-pprzlink.ml. A file with such a
name would usually be a source file. I suspect you have given a wrong
target name to Ocamlbuild.
../../common/ocaml/Makefile:79: recipe for target 'byte' failed
make[2]: *** [byte] Error 6
Makefile:59: recipe for target 'libpprzlink-install' failed
make[1]: *** [libpprzlink-install] Error 2
Makefile:144: recipe for target 'libpprzlink' failed
make: *** [libpprzlink] Error 2
remote: Counting objects: 134, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
remote: Total 134 (delta 91), reused 102 (delta 90), pack-reused 27
Receiving objects: 100% (134/134), 68.55 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (94/94), completed with 67 local objects.
From https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi
b18bcb2..2a05435 master -> upstream/master
Fetching submodule sw/ext/hacl-c
remote: Counting objects: 4, done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 3), reused 4 (delta 3), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.
From https://github.com/paparazzi/hacl-c
4f6d013..bca1a10 master -> origin/master
Updating b18bcb2..2a05435
Makefile.ac | 19 +-
conf/abi.xml | 5 +
conf/airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_ark_hexa_1-8.xml | 14 +-
.../AGGIEAIR/aggieair_ark_quad_lisa_mx.xml | 13 +-
conf/airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_atomic_lia.xml | 7 +-
conf/airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_conf.xml | 6 +-
conf/airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_control_panel.xml | 28 +
.../airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_minion_rp3_lia.xml | 7 +-
conf/airframes/tudelft/ardrone2_OF_hover.xml | 252 +++++++
conf/airframes/tudelft/bebop_OF_hover.xml | 229 +++++++
conf/joystick/T1600M_ground.xml | 43 ++
conf/modules/fc_rotor.xml | 24 +
conf/modules/guidance_indi.xml | 1 +
conf/modules/optical_flow_hover.xml | 95 +++
conf/swarm/conf_2uav_rot.json | 52 ++
conf/swarm/conf_3uav_rot.json | 53 ++
conf/telemetry/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_fixedwing.xml | 2 +-
conf/telemetry/default_rotorcraft.xml | 1 +
conf/userconf/tudelft/conf.xml | 24 +-
fix_code_style.sh | 1 +
paparazzi-python.sh | 3 -
src/paparazzi | 2 +-
sw/airborne/autopilot.h | 1 +
.../rotorcraft/autopilot_arming_throttle.h | 45 +-
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_arming_yaw.h | 60 +-
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_firmware.c | 11 +-
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_generated.c | 2 +
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_static.c | 2 +
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_static.h | 21 +
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/guidance/guidance_indi.c | 125 +++-
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/guidance/guidance_indi.h | 1 +
sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_functions.c | 182 +++++
sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_functions.h | 80 +++
sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_hover.c | 756
sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_hover.h | 59 ++
sw/airborne/modules/datalink/gec/gec.c | 69 +-
sw/airborne/modules/datalink/gec/gec.h | 40 +-
sw/airborne/modules/datalink/gec_dl.c | 333 +++++----
sw/airborne/modules/datalink/gec_dl.h | 17 +-
sw/airborne/modules/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.c | 53 ++
sw/airborne/modules/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.h | 35 +
sw/airborne/subsystems/abi_sender_ids.h | 7 +
sw/airborne/subsystems/ins/ins_gps_passthrough.c | 40 +-
sw/ext/Makefile | 4 +-
sw/ext/hacl-c | 2 +-
sw/ext/pprzlink | 2 +-
sw/ext/rustlink | 2 +-
sw/ground_segment/joystick/gb2ivy.py | 7 +-
sw/ground_segment/joystick/input2ivy.ml | 12 +-
sw/ground_segment/misc/rtcm2ivy.c | 4 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/atc/atc_frame.py | 4 +-
.../python/dashboard/radiowatchframe.py | 5 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.py | 306 +++++++++
.../python/fc_rotor/lib_rigid_formations.py | 122 ++++
sw/ground_segment/python/guided_mode_example.py | 7 +-
.../python/messages_app/messagesframe.py | 9 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/move_waypoint_example.py | 6 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/natnet3.x/NatNetClient.py | 2 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/natnet3.x/natnet2ivy.py | 16 +-
.../python/payload_forward/payload_forward.py | 4 +-
.../python/real_time_plot/messagepicker.py | 6 +-
.../python/real_time_plot/plotpanel.py | 5 +-
.../python/redundant_link/link_combiner.py | 5 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/svinfo/svinfoviewer.py | 4 +-
sw/simulator/mesonh/mesonh.py | 6 +-
sw/supervision/python/main.py | 3 +
sw/tools/calibration/calib_mag_live.py | 9 +-
sw/tools/generators/gen_flight_plan.ml | 3 +-
sw/tools/rtp_viewer/rtp_viewer.py | 6 +-
69 files changed, 3072 insertions(+), 309 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 conf/airframes/tudelft/ardrone2_OF_hover.xml
create mode 100644 conf/airframes/tudelft/bebop_OF_hover.xml
create mode 100644 conf/joystick/T1600M_ground.xml
create mode 100644 conf/modules/fc_rotor.xml
create mode 100644 conf/modules/optical_flow_hover.xml
create mode 100644 conf/swarm/conf_2uav_rot.json
create mode 100644 conf/swarm/conf_3uav_rot.json
delete mode 100755 paparazzi-python.sh
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_functions.c
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_functions.h
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_hover.c
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_hover.h
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.c
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.h
create mode 100755 sw/ground_segment/python/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.py
create mode 100644
Cleaning ./tests/math/Makefile
Cleaning ./tests/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/misc/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/cockpit/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/tmtc/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/lpc21iap/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/joystick/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/tools/gps_ublox_conf/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/tools/bluegiga_usb_dongle/Makefile
rm -f stubs.o uart.o cmd_def.o main.o stubs.d uart.d cmd_def.d main.d
Cleaning ./sw/tools/generators/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/tools/vectornav_configurator/Makefile
rm vn_console_setup
rm: cannot remove 'vn_console_setup': No such file or directory
Makefile:4: recipe for target 'clean' failed
make[1]: *** [clean] Error 1
Cleaning ./sw/tools/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/tools/wiki_gen/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/button/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/satcom/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/log_parser/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/turbine/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/inertial/C/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/attitude_reference/Makefile
make -C c_att_refs clean
rm -rf build *.so *.c
Cleaning ./sw/misc/attitude_reference/c_att_refs/Makefile
rm -rf build *.so *.c
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/scilab/q6d/povray/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/scilab/q3d/povray/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/scilab/q3d/fonts/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/scilab/q3d/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/logalizer/matlab/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/logalizer/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/lib/python/pprz_math/Makefile
rm -rf build *.so *.c *.pyc geodetic.py algebra.py
Cleaning ./sw/lib/ocaml/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/supervision/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/arch/lpc21/test/bootloader/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/arch/lpc21/test/Makefile
-------- begin --------
rm -f ledswitch.hex
rm -f ledswitch.obj
rm -f ledswitch.elf
rm -f ledswitch.map
rm -f ledswitch.obj
rm -f ledswitch.a90
rm -f ledswitch.sym
rm -f ledswitch.lnk
rm -f ledswitch.lss
rm -f ledswitch.o
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f crt0.o
rm -f crt0.lst ledswitch.lst
rm -f ledswitch.s
rm -f ledswitch.d
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f -r .dep
rm -f *~
Errors: none
-------- end --------
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/arch/lpc21/lpcusb/Makefile
CLEAN libusbstack
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/arch/lpc21/lpcusb/examples/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/math/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/Makefile
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'clean'.
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/test/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/test/ahrs/Makefile
cleaning ...
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/test/stabilization/Makefile
rm -rf build *.so *.c
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/catia/Makefile
rm -rf ./catia
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/firmwares/non_ap/led_flasher/Makefile
Cleaning ./docker/Makefile
make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'clean'. Stop.
Cleaning ./doc/pprz_algebra/Makefile
Cleaning ./doc/pprz_geodetic/Makefile
Cleaning ./doc/ccc07/Makefile
Cleaning ./data/maps/Makefile
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/vf6xx/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/lm3s/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/lpc13xx/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/lpc17xx/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/3x/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/d/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/3u/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/3a/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/3n/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/3s/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/lpc43xx/m0/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/lpc43xx/m4/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/efm32/lg/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/efm32/gg/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/efm32/g/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/efm32/tg/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f1/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/l4/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f3/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f2/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f7/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/l0/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f0/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f4/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/l1/irq.json
CLEAN lib/stm32/f0
CLEAN lib/stm32/f1
CLEAN lib/stm32/f2
CLEAN lib/stm32/f3
CLEAN lib/stm32/f4
CLEAN lib/stm32/f7
CLEAN lib/stm32/l0
CLEAN lib/stm32/l1
CLEAN lib/stm32/l4
CLEAN lib/lpc13xx
CLEAN lib/lpc17xx
CLEAN lib/lpc43xx/m4
CLEAN lib/lpc43xx/m0
CLEAN lib/lm3s
CLEAN lib/lm4f
CLEAN lib/efm32/tg
CLEAN lib/efm32/g
CLEAN lib/efm32/lg
CLEAN lib/efm32/gg
CLEAN lib/sam/3a
CLEAN lib/sam/3n
CLEAN lib/sam/3s
CLEAN lib/sam/3u
CLEAN lib/sam/3x
CLEAN lib/sam/d
CLEAN lib/vf6xx
CLEAN luftboot
Building Paparazzi version v5.13_devel-163-g2a05435-dirty
make -C data/maps
DOWNLOAD: google maps version code
Updated google maps version to 781
make -C sw/ext pprzlink.update
Submodule path 'sw/ext/pprzlink': checked out
Check for already installed pprzlink ocaml lib
-> found lib version 2.0 while installing 2.0
Build bytecode lib
Ocamlbuild cannot find or build lib-pprzlink.ml. A file with such a
name would usually be a source file. I suspect you have given a wrong
target name to Ocamlbuild.
../../common/ocaml/Makefile:79: recipe for target 'byte' failed
make[2]: *** [byte] Error 6
Makefile:59: recipe for target 'libpprzlink-install' failed
make[1]: *** [libpprzlink-install] Error 2
Makefile:144: recipe for target 'libpprzlink' failed
make: *** [libpprzlink] Error 2
Paparazzi-devel mailing list
Paparazzi-devel mailing list
Hector Garcia de Marina
2018-03-25 18:14:21 UTC
Mmm forget my previous mail... this issue with ocambuild is not related
with the one I experienced.

Anyway, for everybody, do not go for Ubuntu 17.10 is you want to work with
Paparazzi without extra work :P.

Post by Hector Garcia de Marina
Which operating system do you have?
The same happened to me in Ubuntu 17.10, and the problem seems to be
theirs. In particular, the related pkg was not correctly updated in Ubuntu.
One can still fix it by installing ocambuild and other dependencies via
opam. However, it is not so straightforward.
Hopefully, ocambuild is ok in the new LTS (beta is availble now I think).
On Sun, 25 Mar 2018, 18:18 Michal Podhradsky, <
Post by Michal Podhradsky
Looks like you have a problem with the ocamlbuild. Have you tried
reinstalling the paparazzi packages? See
i did a git pull to download the latest master changes and now the make
Building Paparazzi version v5.13_devel-163-g2a05435-dirty
make -C data/maps
DOWNLOAD: google maps version code
Updated google maps version to 781
make -C sw/ext pprzlink.update
Submodule path 'sw/ext/pprzlink': checked out
Check for already installed pprzlink ocaml lib
-> found lib version 2.0 while installing 2.0
Build bytecode lib
Ocamlbuild cannot find or build lib-pprzlink.ml. A file with such a
name would usually be a source file. I suspect you have given a wrong
target name to Ocamlbuild.
../../common/ocaml/Makefile:79: recipe for target 'byte' failed
make[2]: *** [byte] Error 6
Makefile:59: recipe for target 'libpprzlink-install' failed
make[1]: *** [libpprzlink-install] Error 2
Makefile:144: recipe for target 'libpprzlink' failed
make: *** [libpprzlink] Error 2
remote: Counting objects: 134, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
remote: Total 134 (delta 91), reused 102 (delta 90), pack-reused 27
Receiving objects: 100% (134/134), 68.55 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (94/94), completed with 67 local objects.
From https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi
b18bcb2..2a05435 master -> upstream/master
Fetching submodule sw/ext/hacl-c
remote: Counting objects: 4, done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 3), reused 4 (delta 3), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.
From https://github.com/paparazzi/hacl-c
4f6d013..bca1a10 master -> origin/master
Updating b18bcb2..2a05435
Makefile.ac | 19 +-
conf/abi.xml | 5 +
conf/airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_ark_hexa_1-8.xml | 14 +-
.../AGGIEAIR/aggieair_ark_quad_lisa_mx.xml | 13 +-
conf/airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_atomic_lia.xml | 7 +-
conf/airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_conf.xml | 6 +-
conf/airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_control_panel.xml | 28 +
.../airframes/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_minion_rp3_lia.xml | 7 +-
conf/airframes/tudelft/ardrone2_OF_hover.xml | 252 +++++++
conf/airframes/tudelft/bebop_OF_hover.xml | 229 +++++++
conf/joystick/T1600M_ground.xml | 43 ++
conf/modules/fc_rotor.xml | 24 +
conf/modules/guidance_indi.xml | 1 +
conf/modules/optical_flow_hover.xml | 95 +++
conf/swarm/conf_2uav_rot.json | 52 ++
conf/swarm/conf_3uav_rot.json | 53 ++
conf/telemetry/AGGIEAIR/aggieair_fixedwing.xml | 2 +-
conf/telemetry/default_rotorcraft.xml | 1 +
conf/userconf/tudelft/conf.xml | 24 +-
fix_code_style.sh | 1 +
paparazzi-python.sh | 3 -
src/paparazzi | 2 +-
sw/airborne/autopilot.h | 1 +
.../rotorcraft/autopilot_arming_throttle.h | 45 +-
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_arming_yaw.h | 60 +-
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_firmware.c | 11 +-
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_generated.c | 2 +
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_static.c | 2 +
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_static.h | 21 +
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/guidance/guidance_indi.c | 125 +++-
.../firmwares/rotorcraft/guidance/guidance_indi.h | 1 +
sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_functions.c | 182 +++++
sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_functions.h | 80 +++
sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_hover.c | 756
sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_hover.h | 59 ++
sw/airborne/modules/datalink/gec/gec.c | 69 +-
sw/airborne/modules/datalink/gec/gec.h | 40 +-
sw/airborne/modules/datalink/gec_dl.c | 333 +++++----
sw/airborne/modules/datalink/gec_dl.h | 17 +-
sw/airborne/modules/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.c | 53 ++
sw/airborne/modules/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.h | 35 +
sw/airborne/subsystems/abi_sender_ids.h | 7 +
sw/airborne/subsystems/ins/ins_gps_passthrough.c | 40 +-
sw/ext/Makefile | 4 +-
sw/ext/hacl-c | 2 +-
sw/ext/pprzlink | 2 +-
sw/ext/rustlink | 2 +-
sw/ground_segment/joystick/gb2ivy.py | 7 +-
sw/ground_segment/joystick/input2ivy.ml | 12 +-
sw/ground_segment/misc/rtcm2ivy.c | 4 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/atc/atc_frame.py | 4 +-
.../python/dashboard/radiowatchframe.py | 5 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.py | 306 +++++++++
.../python/fc_rotor/lib_rigid_formations.py | 122 ++++
sw/ground_segment/python/guided_mode_example.py | 7 +-
.../python/messages_app/messagesframe.py | 9 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/move_waypoint_example.py | 6 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/natnet3.x/NatNetClient.py | 2 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/natnet3.x/natnet2ivy.py | 16 +-
.../python/payload_forward/payload_forward.py | 4 +-
.../python/real_time_plot/messagepicker.py | 6 +-
.../python/real_time_plot/plotpanel.py | 5 +-
.../python/redundant_link/link_combiner.py | 5 +-
sw/ground_segment/python/svinfo/svinfoviewer.py | 4 +-
sw/simulator/mesonh/mesonh.py | 6 +-
sw/supervision/python/main.py | 3 +
sw/tools/calibration/calib_mag_live.py | 9 +-
sw/tools/generators/gen_flight_plan.ml | 3 +-
sw/tools/rtp_viewer/rtp_viewer.py | 6 +-
69 files changed, 3072 insertions(+), 309 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 conf/airframes/tudelft/ardrone2_OF_hover.xml
create mode 100644 conf/airframes/tudelft/bebop_OF_hover.xml
create mode 100644 conf/joystick/T1600M_ground.xml
create mode 100644 conf/modules/fc_rotor.xml
create mode 100644 conf/modules/optical_flow_hover.xml
create mode 100644 conf/swarm/conf_2uav_rot.json
create mode 100644 conf/swarm/conf_3uav_rot.json
delete mode 100755 paparazzi-python.sh
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_functions.c
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_functions.h
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_hover.c
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/ctrl/optical_flow_hover.h
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.c
create mode 100644 sw/airborne/modules/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.h
create mode 100755 sw/ground_segment/python/fc_rotor/fc_rotor.py
create mode 100644
Cleaning ./tests/math/Makefile
Cleaning ./tests/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/misc/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/cockpit/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/tmtc/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/lpc21iap/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/ground_segment/joystick/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/tools/gps_ublox_conf/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/tools/bluegiga_usb_dongle/Makefile
rm -f stubs.o uart.o cmd_def.o main.o stubs.d uart.d cmd_def.d main.d
Cleaning ./sw/tools/generators/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/tools/vectornav_configurator/Makefile
rm vn_console_setup
rm: cannot remove 'vn_console_setup': No such file or directory
Makefile:4: recipe for target 'clean' failed
make[1]: *** [clean] Error 1
Cleaning ./sw/tools/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/tools/wiki_gen/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/button/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/satcom/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/log_parser/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/turbine/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/inertial/C/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/misc/attitude_reference/Makefile
make -C c_att_refs clean
rm -rf build *.so *.c
Cleaning ./sw/misc/attitude_reference/c_att_refs/Makefile
rm -rf build *.so *.c
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/scilab/q6d/povray/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/scilab/q3d/povray/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/scilab/q3d/fonts/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/simulator/scilab/q3d/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/logalizer/matlab/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/logalizer/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/lib/python/pprz_math/Makefile
rm -rf build *.so *.c *.pyc geodetic.py algebra.py
Cleaning ./sw/lib/ocaml/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/supervision/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/arch/lpc21/test/bootloader/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/arch/lpc21/test/Makefile
-------- begin --------
rm -f ledswitch.hex
rm -f ledswitch.obj
rm -f ledswitch.elf
rm -f ledswitch.map
rm -f ledswitch.obj
rm -f ledswitch.a90
rm -f ledswitch.sym
rm -f ledswitch.lnk
rm -f ledswitch.lss
rm -f ledswitch.o
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f crt0.o
rm -f crt0.lst ledswitch.lst
rm -f ledswitch.s
rm -f ledswitch.d
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f
rm -f -r .dep
rm -f *~
Errors: none
-------- end --------
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/arch/lpc21/lpcusb/Makefile
CLEAN libusbstack
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/arch/lpc21/lpcusb/examples/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/math/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/Makefile
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'clean'.
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/test/Makefile
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/test/ahrs/Makefile
cleaning ...
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/test/stabilization/Makefile
rm -rf build *.so *.c
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/catia/Makefile
rm -rf ./catia
Cleaning ./sw/airborne/firmwares/non_ap/led_flasher/Makefile
Cleaning ./docker/Makefile
make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'clean'. Stop.
Cleaning ./doc/pprz_algebra/Makefile
Cleaning ./doc/pprz_geodetic/Makefile
Cleaning ./doc/ccc07/Makefile
Cleaning ./data/maps/Makefile
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/vf6xx/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/lm3s/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/lpc13xx/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/lpc17xx/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/3x/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/d/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/3u/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/3a/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/3n/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/sam/3s/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/lpc43xx/m0/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/lpc43xx/m4/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/efm32/lg/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/efm32/gg/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/efm32/g/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/efm32/tg/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f1/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/l4/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f3/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f2/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f7/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/l0/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f0/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/f4/irq.json
CLNHDR include/libopencm3/stm32/l1/irq.json
CLEAN lib/stm32/f0
CLEAN lib/stm32/f1
CLEAN lib/stm32/f2
CLEAN lib/stm32/f3
CLEAN lib/stm32/f4
CLEAN lib/stm32/f7
CLEAN lib/stm32/l0
CLEAN lib/stm32/l1
CLEAN lib/stm32/l4
CLEAN lib/lpc13xx
CLEAN lib/lpc17xx
CLEAN lib/lpc43xx/m4
CLEAN lib/lpc43xx/m0
CLEAN lib/lm3s
CLEAN lib/lm4f
CLEAN lib/efm32/tg
CLEAN lib/efm32/g
CLEAN lib/efm32/lg
CLEAN lib/efm32/gg
CLEAN lib/sam/3a
CLEAN lib/sam/3n
CLEAN lib/sam/3s
CLEAN lib/sam/3u
CLEAN lib/sam/3x
CLEAN lib/sam/d
CLEAN lib/vf6xx
CLEAN luftboot
Building Paparazzi version v5.13_devel-163-g2a05435-dirty
make -C data/maps
DOWNLOAD: google maps version code
Updated google maps version to 781
make -C sw/ext pprzlink.update
Submodule path 'sw/ext/pprzlink': checked out
Check for already installed pprzlink ocaml lib
-> found lib version 2.0 while installing 2.0
Build bytecode lib
Ocamlbuild cannot find or build lib-pprzlink.ml. A file with such a
name would usually be a source file. I suspect you have given a wrong
target name to Ocamlbuild.
../../common/ocaml/Makefile:79: recipe for target 'byte' failed
make[2]: *** [byte] Error 6
Makefile:59: recipe for target 'libpprzlink-install' failed
make[1]: *** [libpprzlink-install] Error 2
Makefile:144: recipe for target 'libpprzlink' failed
make: *** [libpprzlink] Error 2
Paparazzi-devel mailing list
Paparazzi-devel mailing list
2018-03-25 20:22:16 UTC
Hi Michal

I suspect that it has something to do with git indeed but as i said i
have plenty of backups so it is easy to clone a fresh copy and apply my
changes and code.

Hector i have found that the error is different every time and either my
hard disk is disintegrating which is not because i have seen this
behavior on two different computers or something is not being updated
correctly sometimes.

In any case everything works fine now so i made a few :-):-):-) more


Continue reading on narkive: