[Paparazzi-devel] make failed after updating#2
2018-03-25 16:36:36 UTC
I did install a fresh copy of the master and reapplied my changes mainly
to conf.xml and it worked just once, when i did "make clean" and "make"
again i got the below error at the end of the build:

luftboot.c: In function 'main':
luftboot.c:481:9: note: #pragma message: Luftboot using 12MHz external
clock to PLL it to 72MHz.
 #pragma message "Luftboot using 12MHz external clock to PLL it to 72MHz."
  CC      luftboot.elf
  create  luftboot.bin
  create  luftboot.hex
GENERATE ../../var/include/mavlink
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can switch branches.
Unable to checkout 'bca1a10ddc9bf6844b8b3ab1f895070523edd149' in
submodule path 'sw/ext/hacl-c'
Makefile:46: recipe for target 'hacl-c.update' failed
make[1]: *** [hacl-c.update] Error 1
Makefile:172: recipe for target 'ext' failed
make: *** [ext] Error 2
Michal Podhradsky
2018-03-25 17:03:20 UTC
You seem to have changes in sw/ext/hacl-c
As the error message says - you need to remove or commit your local changes
in sw/ext/hacl-c. Another option is a fresh git clone of paparazzi and then
reapply your local changes there (of conf.xml)
Post by Chris
I did install a fresh copy of the master and reapplied my changes mainly
to conf.xml and it worked just once, when i did "make clean" and "make"
luftboot.c:481:9: note: #pragma message: Luftboot using 12MHz external
clock to PLL it to 72MHz.
#pragma message "Luftboot using 12MHz external clock to PLL it to 72MHz."
CC luftboot.elf
create luftboot.bin
create luftboot.hex
GENERATE ../../var/include/mavlink
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can switch branches.
Unable to checkout 'bca1a10ddc9bf6844b8b3ab1f895070523edd149' in
submodule path 'sw/ext/hacl-c'
Makefile:46: recipe for target 'hacl-c.update' failed
make[1]: *** [hacl-c.update] Error 1
Makefile:172: recipe for target 'ext' failed
make: *** [ext] Error 2
Paparazzi-devel mailing list
2018-03-25 17:20:54 UTC
Hi Michal

I definitely have not made any changes to those files :-)

In any case i erase everything  and installed a fresh copy of master
with git clone and after applying my code in it everything still works.

It looks to me that git pull is not working very well in updating all
the files because i have seen this build error too many times.

Michal Podhradsky
2018-03-25 17:37:41 UTC
Hi Chris,

I am sorry to hear that it doesn't work reliably for you. if there is some
issue with git itself, that is, unfortunately, something we can't influence
(a bug report to git or github devs might be more useful).

Post by Chris
Hi Michal
I definitely have not made any changes to those files :-)
In any case i erase everything and installed a fresh copy of master with
git clone and after applying my code in it everything still works.
It looks to me that git pull is not working very well in updating all the
files because i have seen this build error too many times.
Paparazzi-devel mailing list